Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to extarct *.rar file in Linux

If you have install rar utility in your unix/Linux box, just execute the following command.
user@localhost:~$ rar e file.rar

If u look for "man rar" u'll find that "e" option is there for
"Extract files to current directory. Does not create any subdirectories."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Every program,class,tutor,workshop we takes try to do a correction in our lives. Which is try to replace our bad patterns with best practices that need to follow.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Never know

Everything we do,speak, laugh,eat,sing,smell,watch,read,feel,paint is
something which align with the system we are use to dwell. If there is
any exception, fist we get warning then kick out from the system.
And it is quite interesting,
things which are accepted by the system is never question by our
self,thought they are not unfair to question.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good old days

Many fine days with sunny rays
Colorful moments so sparkling
Memories of our lives everlasting
Where life was great and love was plenty

False fear

There is a figure they said She talks to me It's a mischievous voice I can't deny that love They say she is pretty Smart and wa...